Category Archives: Downloadable Materials

NOPE Town Hall Downloadable Materials

Personalized Pipeline Opposition Template for Businesses, Organizations and Individuals

Download and fill in your own personalized pipeline opposition letters.

Guidelines for Outreach Letters & Maps

  • Feel free to personalize your letter, but please retain wording on the key information.  We make every effort to remain consistent in our language when communicating with the public.
  • Once you have personalized and sent your letter, please send a copy to [email protected] by either copying and pasting it into an email or sending as an attachment.  This will help us track where the letters have been sent, and lets us know who still needs to be reached.

Use our mapping tool to help businesses, organizations and individuals determine whether they are vulnerable to Duke’s pipeline in the event of a disaster.

How to Personalize Letter Template and Map

  • When the area map comes up on your screen, click the PrintScreen [PrtScr] button on your keyboard (usually upper right on the function row):

  • Paste into the end of your letter by placing the cursor below the last line of the letter, then right click and select “Paste.”


  • Your map can be sized to the document by clicking on the image.  Corners can be clicked and  dragged to enlarge or reduce the map size:

Questions?  Feel free to contact Tammy Reasoner at [email protected], and I’ll be happy to walk you through the process!

Easy Guide – Reaching Out to Local Businesses

Blue Ash Team Shares Documents and Tips for Business Outreach

Many local businesses across Hamilton County are not aware of the Central Corridor Pipeline and its potential impact on their customers and operations.  NOPE! Blue Ash Business Outreach Team members Sue Baldwin, Roxanne Brett, Joanne Gerson, Seth Myers and Wendy Schuler have made the task of engaging with local businesses easier.  Here is their handy tip sheet and documents, ready for you to download and edit for your own community.  Check it out:

What Works – Sue Baldwin and Wendy Schuler’s Approach to Business Outreach

Business Outreach Letter – Business and Property Owners

Business and Outreach Letter – Business Owner Only

Letter to Ohio Power Siting Board – Work in Blue Ash

Letter to Ohio Power Siting Board – General



Writing a letter to the OPSB or political leaders? Consider telling your story.

“People are not inspired to act by reason alone.”    – Robert McKee, Harvard Business Review

Stories let you connect with your audience on an emotional level. They help you convey key information in a way that will be remembered and help you persuade your audience to take action. This holds true for both spoken and written stories as well as the stories you want to tell with data.

Here is an example of how a NOPE! member wrote a letter using the story of her family owned small business to communicate with the OPSB.

This amazing letter engages the reader and encourages empathy.  It humanizes an issue that to date tends to be viewed in monetary terms, rather than personal costs.

If you are personally impacted by the proposed pipeline, why not tell your story to the Ohio Power Siting Board and other leaders.